A new websites takes visitors on a virtual mountain vacation . . . or it will, as soon as I finish putting it together!

While on a self-imposed writer’s retreat I came up with a new project idea, one that I hope will become a self-sustaining revenue stream. That project is called Georgia Mountain Visitor. It’s a website - or will be - that extols the virtues a planning a vacation in the mountains of North Georgia. It seemed like a pretty good idea, particularly considering I talked with a number of visitors to the area who chose to visit on the recommendations of others but couldn’t really find anything online about the area prior to their visit.Their trip was made solely on the faith of a recommendation. They were quite surprised when they arrived to find an extraordinary amount of activities to participate in from white water rafting to back country hiking, wineries and art galleries.

A quick search online found numerous websites promoting areas to the north around the Great Smoky Mountains such Gatlingurg, TN and Bryson City, NC but very little information on the Blue Ridge Mountains of Georgia. Since I was there and happened to have my camera, it seemed an ideal time to grab some video and put the concept to the test. I spent the remainder of my time traveling the area capturing scenic views, documenting hikes, traveling byways and conducting off-the-cuff interviews. I came back with 256 gigs of content. It’s not near enough information for the website I envision, but it gives me a jumping off platform. With this site I will get plenty of copywriting experience as well as the ability to put my production and post-production experience to the test.
It goes without saying that there was little in the way of screenwriting accomplished on my retreat, but I needed to take advantage of the opportunity as it presented itself. Luckily, I was able to acquire the domain names to both GeorgiaMountainVisitor.com and VisitNorthGeorgia.com. I can work on the website in my downtime and expect to have a functioning site by the end of the year.